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White Chocolate Fondue with Scotch

White Chocolate Fondue with Scotch

White Chocolate Fondue with ScotchYield: 2 1⁄2 cups.

1⁄3 cup whipping cream

2 cups (12 oz.) white chocolate, coarsely chopped

3⁄4 cup honey (9 oz.)

1⁄3 cup Scotch

1⁄2 Tbsp. vanilla extract

Heat cream, honey, chocolate and Scotch over very low heat, stirring frequently. Simmer until chocolate is incorporated and coats the back of a spoon, about 5 minutes. Stir in vanilla.

Note: The viscosity of chocolate may vary from brand to brand; if necessary at the end, add more chocolate a little at a time, or more heavy cream a little at a time, to reach desired consistency.